Saturday, December 8, 2007

Today's Path: A Possible 5, but a For Sure 3

I have come up with three more for sures that I would like to add to my list. I also have two that I am not quite sure if they fall under the criteria that I have laid out.

Here are the two that I am not so sure on yet. They are two things that I would love to say I have done or experienced, but I am not sure they fall into the "being able to do them on your own" and "it being something that happened." They both are more of goals that need to be worked toward everyday. So with that being my disclaimer:

  • Having a Job I love because of the work I do and not because of the money
  • Over come procrastination.

The procrastination one will be hard seeing how I am a member of "Procrastinators Unite...Tomorrow."

What is your opinion on the two? Should they be included in the list or not?