Monday, March 9, 2009

Today's Path: "See a Laker's Game"

So I should have written this a week ago, but at least I'm writing it.

Last Sunday, I was able to go see the Lakers play. Since about 7th grade I have loved the Lakers. Not sure why. Maybe it was because St. Louis decided to have every other sports team BUT a basketball one!!! (No, I'm not bitter).

I would have loved to see the Lakers play in L.A., but beggars can't be choosers. The Lakers were in town playing the Suns. Unfortunately, until this past Tuesday I didn't own any Lakers attire (thanks for the shirt Mer) so I couldn't represent my team.

The game was great! Close the entire game. Up until the last 25 seconds of the game, I honestly believed the Lakers could win. But I guess the Suns put something in their water, and they lost.

I enjoyed the game, I am thankful for Nancy and Glenn letting me have one of their tickets!

Rock on,
Lane J