Sunday, December 23, 2007

Today's Path: Up to 37 Things Before 50

It has been about a month and a half since I started formulating my 50 By 50 List. When I started, I thought that I would have my list compiled in maybe a week or two.

Well, it is now six weeks later, and I am not finished. I am up to 37 things. Ideally, I want my list finished by the end of the year. But, it is not looking like it will be. I am still hopefully that it will be done, though.

Without futher adu, here is another four:

  • Graduate College
  • Get My Master's Degree
  • Compile my 50 list
  • Complete everything on My 50 List

I hope that you are not have as much trouble as I am with compiling your 50 List.

Good Luck!!!